Friday, June 6, 2008

Cpr Training

We had our first CPR training class at the school and I think it went very well for the first one.
We had 6 firemen/EMT's at the school and we trained 120 to perform CPR, many for the first time.
I'll post some pictures later.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

CPR Awareness and Challenge

Most people think that cardiac events, or any other serious trauma, only happen to other people. They do happen to other people, but those "other people" may be you or your loved ones.

We want to get people excited about learning life saving CPR. We are looking for people passionate about organizing this challenge and we welcome your input for effective ways to move this project forward.

If you have ideas that have worked in the past, skills or resources you would be willing to donate or any information that would be helpful, please post a comment and we will attempt to get the right people in contact with each other.

Let's get it going!